Reflect, Reset, Renew
Take a deep breath. Slowly let it out. December is nearly here. This year is almost over.
As we are all well aware, 2020 has been a doozy. For each of us the challenges have been different. Maybe your dominant emotion heading into this season is stress. Maybe it is grief. Maybe it is worry. Maybe it is hope. The toll on each of our bodies, minds, and souls has been unique, and therefore our response should also be unique.
This first Align at Home community challenge is structured to help YOU connect with YOU. It is less about doing and more about being. Each week we will be offering our normal menu of classes, but also some additional opportunities for rest, retrospection, and stillness.
On Monday of each week, we'll be sending out a written reflection. This may be a poem, a passage, a quote--something that you can read and ponder throughout your day and week.
On Wednesdays, we'll be encouraging you to get outside and take a solo walk. We've created a playlist of calming, quiet songs, if you choose to add a soundtrack to your walk. Total silence is also a great option!
On Fridays, let's all commit to waking up 10 minutes early, to meditate. If you are new to meditation, perhaps try using guided assistance through an app like Headspace. Sit still, breathe deep, and focus on gratitude.
We look forward to hearing about your journey through a mindful, intentional, and grounded holiday season.