Small, Positive Changes


“Become a student of change. It is the only thing that will remain constant.”
Anthony D’Angelo

In honor of the new year, this week we're focusing on small lifestyle changes that can help reorient your fitness and wellness goals. We believe in making small, gradual changes, rather than huge 180 degree pivots, as most of us are most successful adjusting to and sustaining reasonable, tangible goals. 

Besides the BODY, MIND and SOUL 6-Week Challenge, here are a few additional ideas to get you motivated: 

1. Precut your veggies and fruits for the week

Remember that age-old adage to eat “5-A-Day”? While that number is far below what is recommended for optimal health, it serves as a good place to start. In winter especially, when the seasonal offerings aren’t quite as plentiful as summer (does anyone else get reeeeal tired of apples?), it can be harder to stick with this regiment. But, more than ever in these covid times, it is vital to be getting our vitamins from foods. By having healthful choices easily accessible, you will make better choices and more readily choose fruits and veggies.

2. Plan alcohol-free days

I’m fully willing to own it if this is just me, but these days I am living for that glass of wine in the evening. There is no harm in that (if it is truly a reasonable size glass…) but it is helpful for our overall well being to occasionally give the liver a break. Try to plan at least 2-3 days a week to abstain from all alcohol, as both a self discipline and a healthful practice.

3. Outsmart workout plateau

Are you frustrated that you workout just as hard or harder than ever, but your body seems to stay the same? You may be stuck in a fitness plateau. Plateau happens when our bodies learn to adapt to the stressors that we place on them, and no longer have to work as hard to get through. While these adaptations are an incredible sign of the resilience of our bodies, it can be frustrating when you don’t see the physical reward of all of your hard work. The way to combat this hurdle is by switching things up. This final step is where we want to come alongside you! 

Click the link below for a detailed outline of how to approach your workouts in a way that optimizes your own STRENGTH and RESILIENCE! 


Easy Granola


Reflect, Reset, Renew