Look for the Light

It has been almost a year in quarantine, and for most of us, nearly a year of not working out in a room full of other individuals who motivate and drive us. If you are feeling bored, unmotivated and/or uninspired in your workouts, you are not alone. As we (hopefully!) near the end of this long, dark tunnel, I want to encourage you to stay the course, to keep on moving, and look for the light.

Think about the thing that most motivated you to come into the studio or sign up for that difficult class, pre-pandemic. Was it the friendly competition and drive of working out alongside others? Was it simply the accountability of having an instructor see your face and notice when you were or weren't present? Or was it more intrinsic: showing up for yourself to prove that you are worth this time you spend on YOU? Whatever your motivation was before, think for a moment about whether it is the same or if it has changed.

For me personally, the "light" I'm moving toward, when it comes to my workouts and fitness goals, is simply placing value and importance on keeping with my ritual and rhythm. I realize now how much I had relied on my weekly group fitness classes and workout routine to provide a cadence to my week. It was the way I prioritized caring for myself and loving my body.

With the onset of the pandemic and lockdown, I lost that rhythm for a while. And to be honest, some weeks I still stumble out of it. Part of the lesson I'm learning in this season has been letting go and moving forward. Notice when it feels freeing to not be tied down to your normal routine, but also notice when re-embracing that rhythm can be motivating and nurturing to your self and your body.

It is our joy and honor to come alongside each of you, in continuing to be a part of your weekly routine. We get used to seeing your faces and notice when you're absent--even in the virtual setting. We see your names show up when you watch or rent previous classes, and are cheering you on for making time for yourself. As we head into a new month, and almost a new season (hopefully in more ways than one...) create a schedule and rhythm for yourself each week--and stick to it! We're here for you and we are here for each other. Keep moving toward that light that drives you.


Easy Granola